The Curry–Howard correspondence proposes that proof systems and the models of computation are the same kind of mathematical objects. More intuitively, this means that proofs can be run, or that proof are programs.
Proof scripts are instructions we use to tell Coq how to gradually construct proof objects whose type is the proposition to be proved. During the construction of proof objects, Coq leave unproved parts with “holes” (?Goal
, ?Goal0
and so on), and knows what type of evidence is needed to fill a hole.
We can also construct proof objects by hand, without writing proof scripts.
Informally, the Curry–Howard correspondence can be seen as an analogy that states that the return type of a function is analogous to a logical theorem, subject to the evidences that passed to the function as arguments; and that the program to compute that function is analogous to a proof of that theorem.
Constructor of an inductively defined proposition are just a functions that transform evidences!
A dependent type is a type whose definition depends on a value. In Coq, both implication (→
) and quantification (∀
) correspond to functions on evidence, and →
is just a shorthand for type definitions with no dependency (P
is the same as ∀
Proof scripts can be used to define functions.
Logical connectives like conjunctions, disjunctions, existential quantifications are inductively defined.
A conjunction is constructed from a pair of propositions, and proofs of both of them.
A disjunction is constructed from a pair of propositions, and a proof of either of them.
An existential quantification is constructed from
more formally, the type of its constructor is
∀ (A : Type) (P : A → ℙ) (x : A), P x → ∃ y, P y.
When reflexivity
is used, Coq applies to terms some simple computation rules. Two terms are treated as “the same” when they are convertible under these rules.
In Coq, equality and Leibniz equality implies each other.
Coq’s credibility comes from its type-checking mechanism. We trust Coq because it
expressions are exhaustive, and